DT News: DM/CDS Holiday Card Contest Winner, NATO Scientific Achievement Award, and the Winner of the Defence Team Innovation Challenge



(S) In this special Bravo Zulu episode, we reveal this year’s Holiday Card Contest winner…

(C) …we highlight the winner of an international science award…

(S)…and we celebrate the latest in Defence innovation.

(S) It was a difficult decision to make, but the Deputy Minister and Chief of the Defence Staff are happy to announce that 11 year-old Isabel Broadbent is the winner of the 2018 Holiday Card Contest. Her parents are both members of the Defence Team in Ottawa. Congratulations Isabel!

(M) Hi, Isabel. Could you describe the card that you drew for the CDS and the Deputy Minister’s Christmas card contest?

(I) Yes. Canadian Armed Forces military hospital and health service members spreading some Christmas joy to children in Ukraine and delivering gifts. Example: clothes, school supplies and toys. And they’re also helping decorate a Christmas tree.

I felt very happy, joyful and proud that I won the card contest and it will be an event that I’ll always remember. And congrats to all the other participants.

Merry Christmas. Joyeux Noël.

(S) A special thank you to all of the children for the beautiful artwork they sent in. With so many creative submissions, picking just one was a challenge. Be sure to check out the related links to see a gallery of this year’s artwork.

(C) Congratulations to Dr. Sonia Thiboutot, from DRDC’s Valcartier Research Centre, on receiving the NATO Scientific Achievement Award. The award was presented at this week’s 42nd Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Business Meeting in Athens.

Dr. Thiboutot and her team of colleagues from the U.S., U.K., Switzerland, Denmark and Norway were recognized for their work on a NATO Cooperative Demonstration of Technology.

The Demonstration is a training activity that teaches participants how to effectively assess soil and bodies of water within live-fire training ranges, enabling range managers to develop sustainability plans.

(ST) Twenty years ago, there was no awareness that live-fire military training ranges could be at risk due to the dispersion of munition constituents. Canada was a pioneer in identifying and mitigating this risk. By doing so, I’m very proud to say that Canada became a world leader into that domain. The NATO Excellence Award that the AVT Panel gave us was for a cooperative demonstration of technology that was held both in 2016 and 2018 where we transferred our expertise to more than 15 NATO and Partner for Peace nations. It is the group picture of the 2016 students. This award means that our CDT was highly successful, very relevant with the NATO objectives in the future and I will proudly accept it on behalf of DRDC and Canada.

(S) Before we go, congratulations to the winning team from the recent Battle of the Innovators competition. This event was the final phase of the first-ever Defence Team Innovation Challenge.

(C) The winning innovation was a renewable energy-based deployable generator, designed to work in the High Arctic and other environments. Bravo Zulu to all of the finalists!

(S) That’s it for us. Thank you so much for watching. See you next time…

(C) …for Defence Team News!
