Raven Concealment Order Has Arrived


After a very long wait our latest shipment of Raven Concealment gear has finally been delivered. As you can see from the photos we got quite a few items.

From left to right we have:

Top Row: Pmag Carrier in FDE, Glock 17 Mag Carrier, Glock 17 Mag Carrier w/ MD Cuts, Glock 17 TLR-1 Holster w/ MD Cuts, Double 1911 Mag Carrier in FDE w/ MD Cuts

Bottom Row: Pmag Carrier, M&P40 Mag Carrier, M&P40 Mag Carrier w/ MD Cuts, M&P40 TLR-1 Holster w/ MD Cuts, Glock 19 X300 Holster w/ MD Cuts and Threaded – Extended Barrel.

The Glock 17 holster and Glock 17 magazine carriers are from our first order with them. Even with use they still stand up to the new holsters in terms of retention and fit and finish.
