Angle Fore Grip (AFG) vs. Vertical Fore Grip (VFG)

Surprisingly enough this question comes up a lot, up until a couple years ago there were only a few companies producing hand stops and none producing what Magpul now calls the Angle Fore Grip (AFG). Back at SHOT Show in 2010 Magpul announced their Theory Based Line of products, the AFG was one of them designed as a compromise between the classic VFG and a plain bare rail or handguard while avoiding the thumb break compromise and hand pinch that it caused with a traditional Vertical Fore Grip.
While the shooting method popularized by Chris Costa and Travis Haley formerly both of Magpul Dynamics may seem like something new, it’s a style that has existed for years in the competitive shooting community and is rumoured to have been widely used in similar fashion by the Rhodesians during the Rhodesian Bush War.
None the less the popularization of this shooting style by Chris and Travis has seen it once again enter the mainstream and now Magpul’s AFG is a popular accessory to many AR’s, AK’s, and other platforms. As soldiers, law enforcement, hobbyists, and competitive shooters have found that it works best for them based on their individual preferences.
In the video below done by Milspec Monkey, Travis and Chris themselves explain what went in to the development of the AFG.
Magpul with the hopes of better describing the differences between the AFG, VFG, and the many compromises put out a slide show upon announcement of their new product to help describe what the AFG was all about.
I do not claim ownership of any of these images or videos.