AAR: Target Sports Glock Day

So earlier today we made our way up to Glock Day Open House about 45 minutes North of Toronto at Target Sports. Target Sports and it’s proximity to Toronto really do a lot for getting people into the sport/hobby, the fact that it also contains and indoor shooting range only helps it more. The turnout seemed good, the line was long, the store was packed, and nearly all the firing lanes were open with many range officers safely controlling the flow of traffic.
For $30 with some of the proceeds going to the Northern Lights Wildlife, an unlicensed individual was given the opportunity supervised by a range officer to shoot 3 mags through whichever guns they wanted to try. It also entered you in a draw to win either a Glock pistol or a supervised shoot for 5 at Target Sports. On the firing line they had a variety of Glocks available for trial, as well as an AR-15, Tavor, and ACR on hand to shoot as well.
The Glock reps were also on hand in the main part of the store answering questions as well as teasing onlookers with some prohibited goodies like the Glock 18 and the sub-compact Glock 27. I was pleased to hear the Glock 19’s and 23’s with factory threaded barrels are on Glock’s radar just at the end of a long list of things they hope to tackle first.
I brought out a couple unlicensed friends to this event, both had experience with firearms however only one had shot a pistol before. After our time on the firing line the one familiar with pistols looked to reserve a spot on one of the Firearms Safety Courses they run at Target Sports but was shocked to find that they were fully booked up until August.