Training opportunities in support of the Defence Data Strategy


The Defence Team is embracing a data-driven culture by improving the ways data is collected, stored, protected, reported and leveraged to drive measurable actions that deliver on our mandate to protect Canada and Canadians.

As we transition to a data culture and support evidence-based decisions in line with the Defence Data Strategy, we will improve the Defence Team’s ability to evaluate, understand and use data to create value for DND/CAF. Training is available through ADM(Data, Innovation, Analytics) and the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) for all levels and ranks of military and civilian personnel.

As with any institutional change, we are likely to run into challenges but we also have the commitment and resources to support the Defence Team through this transition. Change management courses and resources are available to help us adjust to new ways of working, and take part in the change by leading the way.

Below is a snapshot of online and classroom training on data and change management. For more information, visit the ADM(DIA) Training resources Intranet page.

Don’t forget to discuss training options with your manager and update your learning and development plan.

Online training:

  • Online guide to business intelligence reports for consumers, available on DLN (internal link)
  • Big data fundamentals and interpretation, available on GCcampus
  • Preparing for, harnessing, and leading organizational change, available on GCcampus
  • EXecuTALK videos for senior management, available on GCcampus
    • “Unleashing the Power of Data” with Ima Okonny, former Director of Data Management & Reporting at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
    • “Navigating Today’s Data Revolution: How to Come Out on Top” with Anil Arora, Canada’s Chief Statistician
    • “Leading Change – Successful Strategies that Work” with Tom Balfour, Director General at Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Classroom training:

  • Web Intelligence (WebI) report author training: Four-day workshop for the data and analytics community at National Defence, offered by ADM(DIA) (internal link).
  • CSPS Digital Academy Premium: Upskilling in digital innovation through training, coaching, community and industry support over the course of three months, offered by CSPS.
  • Navigating through change: One-day workshop for employees including tools and techniques to effectively respond to change situations, offered by CSPS.
  • Managing change in complex times: Two-day workshop for managers, including fundamental principles and effective tactics for managing change, offered by CSPS.
  • Leading transformation: One-day workshop for senior leaders to clarify what challenges require a transformational response and explore what it takes to lead an organization through transformation, offered by CSPS.