MGen Allen speaks about Cyber at the Defence Women’s Advisory Organization


Major-General Frances J. Allen, the Deputy Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, spoke at the Defence Women’s Advisory Organization in Ottawa in January.

The presentation provided information about the budding field of Cyber Security and Operations. MGen Allen discussed her personal experience of working in cyber security, including possible threats in today’s world and strategies on how to defend against them.

To respond to these threats, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has created a new military occupation of cyber operators in 2017. Part of this new occupation, including both Reserve and Regular Force members, allows cyber operators to conduct defensive cyber operations, and contribute to active cyber operations.

MGen Allen previously served as Director General Cyberspace, and Joint Force Cyber Component Commander, among many notable positions of leadership. Her expertise in the field was integral to discuss current issues of cyber security and the growing field.

The Defence Women’s Advisory Organization was created to address and overcome barriers that women face in the workplace, and to encourage diversity within the CAF. The rapidly growing cyber workforce has exciting opportunities for women with an interest in any aspect of the cyber field (planning, policy, law, HR, etc.).
