Message from the DM and the CDS CAF/DND Sexual Misconduct Class Action Settlement Approved


On November 25, the Federal Court of Canada approved a settlement for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Department of National Defence (DND) sexual misconduct class action. This settlement affects people who experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment, or discrimination based on gender, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation while serving in the CAF, working for DND, or for the Staff of the Non-Public Funds, Canadian Forces.  

The approval of this settlement represents a significant milestone. The settlement provides financial compensation for women and men who have been harmed by sexual misconduct and outlines changes to CAF and Veterans Affairs Canada policies. It also provides an opportunity for individuals to share their experiences with senior DND
/CAF representatives through a facilitated restorative engagement process.

We would like to acknowledge the representative plaintiffs as well as the many people who filed participation forms, or came forward during the settlement approval hearings. We recognize how incredibly difficult it is to share such painful and personal experiences. We assure you that these stories have made an important and lasting impact on us, and have further strengthened our dedication to change. 

To learn more about the approved settlement, visit the class action website at or call 1-888-626-2611. To make a claim, you will need to submit documentation between March 25, 2020 and September 25, 2021. Please note that you have the option to opt out if you do not wish to be bound by this settlement, but you must do so by February 24, 2020. There are instructions regarding the opt-out process, claims process, claims form and supporting documentation available on the website

Sharing information about this class action is part of our ongoing commitment to address the issue of sexual misconduct in our workplace with accountability, compassion and transparency. We fully support participation in this settlement and we are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of those who come forward. It is our sincere hope that the implementation of this settlement will support people who have experienced sexual misconduct in their healing process. 

Jody Thomas              General Jonathan Vance
Deputy Minister          Chief of the Defence Staff


Sexual Misconduct Response Centre (24/7)
Canadian Forces Health Services Centres
Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program (24/7)
The Family Information Line (24/7)
CAF Chaplain Services
Employee Assistance Program for DND Employees (24/7)
Employee and Family Assistance Program for Staff of the NPF Employees (24/7)


Operation HONOUR
Respect in the Canadian Armed Forces mobile application
Harassment and conflict resolution in the public service
