Finding resilience during the holiday season – What can EAP do for you?

Not everyone thinks of the holidays as a “season to be jolly.”
Many find this time of year to be stressful and overwhelming, and simply count down the days until the season comes to an end.
“The holiday season is a wonderful time of year, meant to re-connect with loved ones, family and friends,” said Julie Charron, Champion for the Employee Assistance Program and ADM(Review Services). “While the intention is always to have a relaxing time, the holidays can come with stresses that take their toll. Defence Team members are encouraged to practice self-care throughout the holidays and to not hesitate to access departmental resources available to them.”
There are a variety of tips to help navigate the turbulence of the holidays and to maintain resilience throughout the ups and downs you might experience. The Canadian Mental Health Association offers the following ten tips:
- Plan ahead;
- As much as possible, organize and delegate;
- Beware of overindulgence;
- Stay within budget;
- Remember what the holiday season is about for you;
- Help others learn about shared social responsibility;
- Simplify the gift-giving process;
- Put fun, humour, affection, and break time into your holidays; and
- Plan extra time to get to your destination, especially during snowy weather!
- Find ways to spend the holidays with other people.
Many of these tips can help build resiliency, which in-turn, can relieve stress and help recapture the spirit of the holidays. A number of tools and services are available to Defence Team members to help them make the most of the holiday season, including:
- Referral Agents (RAs)—DND employees provide confidential active-listening skills and resources to employees in need and can be contacted during regular working hours.
- Health Canada – Employee Assistance Services (EAS)—provides short-term professional counselling services. This service is available 24/7, 365 days a year, by calling 1-800-268-7708 or 1-800-567-5803 (hearing impaired).
- LifeSpeak—a web-based service that offers free confidential access to hundreds of short videos by experts on everyday issues. In light of the hectic holiday season, this month’s featured LifeSpeak video is “What is Resilience” by Louisa Jewell. The piece defines the true meaning of resilience and offers a variety of tips on navigating difficult circumstances.
To access LifeSpeak:
- Visit or download the app.
- Select Canadian Armed Forces or Department of National Defence (Civilian) and input corporate ID: canada.
- Mental Health Resources:
Everyone struggles from time-to-time but you do not have to cope alone. If you need help and guidance, contact your EAP.