DT News: Exercise CUTLASS FURY and resources for Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month



(P) A series of exercises designed to engage Canada’s Atlantic Fleet, Allied Navies, and other joint elements in tactical-level warfare recently took place off the coast of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

(S) Exercise CUTLASS FURY is a biennial, medium-scale exercise focused on facilitating training in a multi-threat environment and improving collaboration with allies and joint partners. It involved over 2,800 participants from seven partner nations, including Standing NATO Maritime Group 1, as well as more than 16 ships and 36 aircraft.

(P) The exercise was a valuable training opportunity that enhanced the CAF’s readiness and ability to work together with key partners in the Atlantic.

(S) We all deserve a healthy workplace. Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month provides an opportunity to find ideas and solutions to support physically and psychologically healthy and safe workplaces.

(P) Defence Team members have access to programs such as the Employee Assistance Program and the Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program.

Both programs include 24/7 access to Health Canada Employee Assistance Services, which provides short-term professional counselling services, as well as access to LifeSpeak, a web-based service that offers hundreds of short videos by experts on everyday issues. A LifeSpeak video marathon will be held on October 23rd where Defence Team members can learn more about staying healthy in the workplace.

(S) If someone you know needs assistance please contact your local referral agent during business hours, or you can reach Health Canada’s Employee Assistance Services 24/7 by calling the numbers below.
