Congratulations to our 2019 General Safety Award Recipients !


The Department of National Defense has always been committed to fostering a healthy, safe working environment for all its CAF members and Civilian employees. To do so, the directorate of General Safety has implemented different reward programs to recognize individuals who stand out by their noteworthy involvement, work ethic, and devotion.

The General Safety Service Pins are presented to celebrate and acknowledge the 5 to 25 years of devotion for health and safety officers, advisors and general safety representatives within CAF/DND. For its part, the General Safety Well Done Award acknowledges and honours the members who, by their actions and demeanour, embody and reflect the core values supported and prised within the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defense by underlining and rewarding their exceptional exertion in relation to the General Safety field.

Mr. Darrell LeBlanc received his 5 year pin from LCol R.J. Lyttle, BComd CFB Shilo and CWO J.M. Doppler, Base CWO for CFB Shilo.

This past year, 9 individuals were nominated as a part of the General Safety Service Pins program. We express our sincere gratitude to each recipient for their remarkable years of service, and congratulate them for reaching a new milestone in their career;

Mrs. Carla Forester 10 years

Mr. Stephen Joudrey 20 years

Mrs. Jackie McLeod 5 years

Mr. Mavis Shankland 10 years

Adj Eric Fleurant 5 years

Sgt Mark Wolfson 5 years

Capt Lisa Nodwell 5 years

Mr. Darrell LeBlanc 5 years

Mr. Ward Krecsy 5 years

Furthermore, three Well Done Awards were conferred. Once again, we wish to thank the nominees for their extraordinary dedication and involvement in the workplace and making changes to make our workplace a safer environement;

Mrs. Tanja Bowers

Mcpl Alexandre Gagné

Sgt Vicki Veilleux

Finally, we would like to invite everyone to participate in the various General Safety Reward programs at your disposal. These programs are in place to motivate, encourage, and show appreciation to your colleagues and subordinates. All the details and necessary nomination forms can be found here.

The Commandant of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School, Lieutenant-Colonel K.F. Haire, presents Capt Lisa Nodwell with the 5 year pin on behalf of the Directorate of General Safety Program in recognition of her contribution to the General Safety Program at 3 CDSG.
