Be a part of Bell Let’s Talk Day: Making every action count in the Defence Team


One in five Canadians will be affected by mental illness at some point in their lives. Yet in the workplace, people with a known mental health issue hesitate to seek help due to barriers such as self- stigma, social stigma (negative stereotypes), and discrimination. As such, Defence Team members, military and civilians alike, should be able to talk openly and seek help with openness and understanding from others.

That’s why the Defence Team is joining the conversation around mental health on Bell Let’s Talk Day, January 29, 2020. This year marks the campaign’s tenth year and the Defence Team has had a long-standing partnership with Bell Let’s Talk since 2013.

This annual campaign (internal link) is dedicated to creating a Canada free from the stigma that surrounds mental illness. The theme for this year’s campaign is Mental Health: Every Action Counts. The campaign will highlight actions – big and small – we can all take to join in to help create positive change. Because when it comes to mental health, every action counts.

Bell Let’s Talk DND/CAF events

Defence Team members can take part in the day by participating in Bell Let’s Talk DND/CAF events. The events will raise awareness of mental health and help reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. It is an opportunity to learn about the resources available to improve well-being and build and sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.

Bell Let’s Talk National Capital Region Event

When: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 from 10:00 – 11:00 am (EST)
Where: Building 5 Rotunda NDHQ (Carling)
What: A panel discussion on mental health featuring Mental Health Co-Champions Deputy Minister Jody Thomas, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Lieutenant General Jean-Marc Lanthier and Mr. Jerry Ryan, President of the Federal Government Dockyard Trade and Labour Council East, as well as a mental health expert within the Defence Team.
Who: Defence Team members (military and civilian) and NPF employees in the NCR.

Bell Let’s Talk Winnipeg Event

When: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (CST)
Where: Netherlands Theatre, Building 135, 17 Wing Winnipeg
What: A panel discussion on mental health featuring Bell Ambassador (and Veteran) Bruno Guévremont, Brigadier-General Mario Leblanc, Colonel Rakesh Jetly, CFB Winnipeg surgeon Major Patti Louttit, and Major Nathan Packer as well as other CAF members and public servants who will speak to their personal experiences with mental health struggles throughout their careers.
Who: Defence Team members (military and civilian), NPF employees and interested. Family members are welcome at this event.

Video and photo highlights of both events will be published through Instagram Stories and shared to Facebook Stories throughout the day, and the DND/CAF social media team will also be live tweeting highlights on Twitter. Defence Team members and the general public will have the opportunity to participate in polls, join online conversations, and submit questions of the panelists during the events. Details on DND/CAF accounts and handles will be communicated to Defence Team members closer to Bell Let’s Talk Day.

Bell Let’s Talk on social media

Defence Team members are also encouraged to take part in the day by talking, texting, and tweeting about mental health under the campaign theme of “every action counts”. On January 29, for every text message, mobile, and long distance call made by Bell customers, every tweet using the hashtag #BellLetsTalk, use of the Bell Let’s Talk Facebook and Snapchat filters, and every view of the Bell Let’s Talk Day video on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, Bell will donate five cents to support Canadian mental health programs.

In addition, Defence Team members are encouraged to share their thoughts and continue the conversation about mental health using the hashtag #CAFLetsTalk.

Tools and Resources on Mental Health

If you or someone you know needs help, a variety of mental health tools and resources are available for military and civilian Defence Team members and can be found in the Related Links section on the right-hand side of this page.

For more ways you can participate in the Bell Let’s Talk campaign, please visit Bell’s official web page.
