Canadian Forces Real Property Operations Group hosts Command Team Council


By: Capt Wilgens René

The Comd’s main focus for this CTC was on exchanging information between RP Ops leaders, whether at the Gp HQ, Regional or Detachment level.

The first two days targeted all Commanding Officers (COs), Chief of Staff (COS), Officers in Command (OCs) and Sergeant Majors (SMs) for a more tactical session, while the last day was focused on CO engagement. Some of the discussion topics included the RP Ops Standardization Need, Environment & Climate Change Canada Updates, Compliance & Environment, Energy & Sustainability, Facility Management Software “VFA”, FY 2019-20 Financial Disposition, as well as Best Practices, Challenges and Requirements from each Region. Other key discussions included the Integrated Infra Management System, Performance and Competency Evaluation (PaCE), Real Property Spatial Data Warehouse, and RP Ops Gp Leadership Program.

CTC events aim at providing functional direction and guidance from the CF RP Ops Commander and HQ Staff to Senior Leadership in order to advance collaboratively toward achieving a common organizational vision, mission and design. They provide the opportunity to exchange information on key issues and topics, more specifically on successes and challenges faced by the Regions, discuss lessons learned and develop solutions collaboratively.

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