DT News: exercise COMMON GROUND, the Halifax International Security Forum, and Canada’s Commemorative Map



(Jeff) The Combat Training Centre’s Tactics School in Gagetown, New Brunswick conducts Exercise COMMON GROUND each year to best prepare their students when deployed as part of a tactical combat team.

(Shelley) During this year’s iteration, we spoke with a participating member to learn more about the exercise and why it’s so beneficial to the Canadian Armed Forces

(LCol Caron) Exercise COMMON GROUND II 2019 is the flagship exercise where we train future Combat Team Commanders to face the challenges they’re likely to encounter within the modern battlespace. Exercise COMMON GROUND II is one of the largest training exercises within the Canadian Army to include upwards of a thousand people and hundreds of vehicles from across the country. Exercise COMMON GROUND II provides candidates with the opportunity to put in practice the skillsets they’ve learned during the Combat Team Commander’s course.

(J) Military officials, policymakers, and industry leaders from around the world got together for the 11th annual Halifax International Security Forum.

(S) Co-hosted by the Minister of National Defence, the Forum provided attendees with the opportunity to discuss pressing global issues, the importance of international partnerships like NATO, and address new and emerging technological threats.

(J) Notably, Canadian Armed Forces member Colonel Lysane Martel, from 2 Canadian Air Division, was one of the recipients of this year’s Peace with Women Fellowship. As part of the annual Forum, the Fellowship aims to create an international network of support for women military leaders around the world as they move forward in their careers.

(J) If you didn’t get the chance during Veterans’ Week, check out Canada’s Commemorative Map in the related links.

(S) This online interactive site lets users explore places that are named to commemorate Canada’s participation in wars and conflicts.

(J) Search the names and discover more about Canada’s history by exploring our geography.
