CTOMS Green Kit (Assault Lead Climbers Rack)


We recognize the importance of climbing for shooters in and outside of the tactical environment. Any back country enthusiast whether headed out for the purposes hunting or hiking with a little target shooting thrown into the mix should know some basic climbing skills and techniques. Learning how to properly tie off, tie a swiss seat, are important skills that can save lives in the backcountry. Here is an extremely neat piece of kit by CTOMS that we look forward to testing out at some point.

Here is what there website says:

The TRACE™ Systems GREEN Kit is a purpose build, Assault Climber leader’s rack.  You aren’t sport climbing, so why should you have to use sport climbing equipment?  This system is specifically build for tactical rock climbing operations with the following unique features that you will not find in recreational market equipment.

The TRACE™ Systems GREEN Kit is the perfect standalone leader’s rack, or integrates with the following TRACE™ Systems Kits:

  • BRONZE Kit – TRACE™ Systems Lead Climbing Supplement
  • SILVER Kit – TRACE™ Systems Tactical Assault Climber’s Kit (Traditional Style)
  • GOLD KIT – TRACE™ Systems Aid Climbing Supplement


