Wanstall’s Firearm Financing


For the local shooters amongst you, Wanstalls retail location in Maple Ridge is now offering financing on firearms in partnership with Tactical Capital, a firm based out of Vancouver. This move allows for shooters to break firearms into monthly payments with immediate possession of the firearm, kind of like a “reverse layaway” of sorts — take your gun shooting while you’re paying for it instead of waiting until the end. This will be coming to the online store a little later this year, but for now, all of our Vancouverite and valley customers are more than welcome to take advantage of this new offer in-store any day of the week to get cool new items in their hands a little more accessibly and a little quicker than normal!

Details are available in store and any of the retail staff are more than happy to help on this or anything else. Local shooters can reach the retail staff at 604-467-9232 for questions on this or other retail location business.

This is an awesome service we are happy to here about, we know how financially burdening our hobbies can be some time and giving us the ability to finance some of those purchases taking of the immediate impact of a $1000+ purchase is welcoming to our pocket books.
