The Sea King to Fly Again

You can’t keep a good aircraft down!
Following the retirement of the Sea King helicopter last December 2018, the Department of National Defence and Public Services and Procurement Canada have been working on the divestment of the venerable aircraft. While nine will be displayed publicly and one will be kept as a training aid, some of the aircraft were identified for future sale.
We are happy to confirm that a sale has now gone through and Rotor Maxx Support Limited, a Canadian-based company, has purchased the remaining fifteen helicopters and associated spare parts. The company intends on refurbishing the aircraft and remarketing them to eligible customers.
The Sea King aircraft provided the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Royal Canadian Navy with 55 years of service. They were used to conduct anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and search and rescue (SAR) operations, provide disaster relief, undertake counter-narcotic operations, as well as participate in fisheries, international peacekeeping, and pollution patrols.
We look forward to seeing the Sea King fly again.]