Sharing knowledge and creating solutions for a more open government


The Open Government Partnership (OGP), and the Government of Canada are hosting the 6th OGP Global Summit in Ottawa at the Shaw Centre from 29-31 May, 2019.

The summit brings together 79 countries, local and regional governments, civil society groups, and academia. The goal of this summit is to help citizens and businesses share knowledge, and create solutions for a more open and transparent government.

The Global Summit is open to all academia, students and citizens. This is an opportunity for IMOs and personnel who manage information, who are in the NCR, to get an understanding of the magnitude and benefit of information sharing on an international platform.

Please email the Open Government team within ADM(IM) with your questions at [email protected]. If you wish to learn more about Open Government within DND and how you can contribute, please visit the Open Government Intranet page

What is the OGP?

20 September 2011, the partnership was launched with eight founding governments (Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States). Since 2011, 79 countries have joined the OGP with the main mission to make their governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable. 

Inés Pousadela, a political scientist and OGP’s researcher, wrote a piece called The Road to Genuine Co-Creation: Insights from Argentina which recalls Argentina’s journey to adapting the concept of an open government.

She confesses that when Argentina first joined the OGP, the concept was foreign to most of their stakeholders, but they recognized that there was a lack of trust between the government and civil society. Now, Argentina is an incoming co-chair of the partnership and currently implementing their third action plan.

Through YOU, how WE can contribute

Our mandate is to deliver the Open Government commitment via open participation through various stages of our processes— from joining the Global Summit to crafting datasets. The Open Government initiative is a great opportunity to champion values of equality, and inclusion while further innovating our democratic process. With 79 countries participating this year, we can look to other global partners for solutions into building more genuine engagements.
