SFRC The Ammo Source Purchases with Donations


In light of recent RCMP reclassifications of the CZ-858 and Swiss Arms series of rifles SFRC The Ammo Source have stepped up big time. With the addition of a new “Purchases with Donations” section to their website they now have a variety of shotguns and NEA-15 Upper’s offered for sale. With purchase SFRC will donate either $100 to the Candian Shooting Sports Association or National Firearm’s Association, alternatively they will donate $50 to each in accordance with the purchaser’s wishes. Both organizations have seen a flock of support in recent weeks from both gun owners and dealers.

If you purchase this firearm we will donate $100 to the NFA or the CSSA (or $50 each).  Let us know which one you’d like the donation to go to in the comments section during checkout.
