Relaunch of the Flexible Workplace Program – Things you need to know


Civilian employees at the Department of National Defence (DND) can look forward to a refreshed approach to workplace flexibility and well-being with the relaunch of the Flexible Workplace Program.

DND leadership has made it a priority to embrace new capabilities and technologies that support a multi-generational, modern, and flexible workforce. In support of this objective, ADM(HR-Civ) has recently relaunched the former Alternative Work Arrangements (AWA) Program with a new name, revised departmental guidelines and a streamlined process. The Program is also developing a toolbox of practical tips and resources, learning modules, and best practice research to equip employees, managers, and teams in implementing a flexible workplace.

“Through these updates in the Flexible Workplace Program, we are aiming to foster collaboration, provide opportunities for work-life balance, encourage the smarter use of technology, and support a culture of health and well-being,” says Peter Hooey, Director General Workplace Management.

The Flexible Workplace Program now focuses on the two key options of telework and compressed work week. The relaunch comes with an improved process that starts with the initial flexibility agreement discussion between employee and manager, and requires a simple, mandatory agreement form.

Managers and employees play a critical role in successfully shifting workplace culture, and enabling innovative workplace strategies. Although employees are encouraged to consider if they are interested in establishing a Flexible Workplace Agreement, it should be recognized that not all roles lend themselves to telework or compressed work week schedules. Participation in the Flexible Workplace Program should create a mutually beneficial partnership between managers and employees. Requests are evaluated case-by-case, and approvals are based on the consistent and transparent core principles of feasibility, suitability and clarity.

For more information, visit the Flexible Workplace Program intranet page.
