North Bay reservist receives top national air reserve award


Master Corporal Darwin Renette, an air reservist serving as an aerospace telecommunication and information systems (ATIS) technician at 22 Wing North Bay, Ontario, is the top member of the Royal Canadian Air Reserve for 2018.

Colonel Mark Roberts, 22 Wing commander, and Chief Warrant Officer John Short, wing chief, presented Master Corporal Renette with the national “Air Reserve Deserving Junior Non-Commissioned Member of the Year” award in February 2019 on behalf of Brigadier-General Alex Day, director general air reserve, and Chief Warrant Officer, André Arvisais, air reserve chief warrant officer. The award recognizes deserving members of the air reserve for their hard work, dedication, and leadership by example, dress and deportment and their achievements on and off duty over the course of a year. Read the rest of the story . . .
