NDWCC – Harbour Toss Challenge



Graphic: Commodore Angus Topshee, Commander, Canadian Fleet Pacific, recently challenged the fleet for the National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign.

(AT) I challenged the fleet to see if they could raise 1000$ and if they did, I was gonna let them toss me in the harbour.

Graphic: The Fleet responded positively… and turned the matter over to Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific)

(AT) But you don’t seem willing so I guess we’re good.

They raised over 2200 $, so the deputy fleet commander goes in too.

(MEN) One… Three.

Graphic: Ladder? Who needs a ladder?

Graphic: Now that we have your attention: Canadian Fleet Atlantic, are you listening?

(AT) Commander Feltham, Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, I challenge you to see if you can raise enough money to get your fleet to throw you in the harbour as well and we’ll even put up a bit of that money from over here. Good luck.

(MEN) One, two, three!
