Message on Fraud Awareness


With a new fiscal year upon us, I would like to take this opportunity to speak to you about fraud awareness.

Every member of the Defence Team has a role to play in knowing how to recognize fraud, waste, and abuse, and where to report them. We work in a complex environment, and it’s always good to be reminded of how the Values and Principles set out in the DND and CF Code of Values and Ethics play into our daily lives and actions.

The prevention based, and proactive Fraud Risk Management Program (FRMP) within ADM (RS) includes an awareness workshop to help address these very issues. The FRMP has delivered fraud awareness workshops to 52 Bases, Wings, schools, and organizations across the country, reaching more than 5,500 participants.

Although we have reached a great number of Defence Team members, our work – and its ripple affect across the department – is not done yet.

Fraud touches on Stewardship and integrity, as well as our second ethical Principle, namely Serve Canada Before Self. It is our duty to act with integrity and never place ourselves in a conflict of interest or personally advantage ourselves by inappropriately using public money or resources.

If you have not yet participated in this half-day interactive training session, I encourage you to contact Christopher Côté, [email protected], to book a workshop for your group.

Thank you,
Amipal S. Manchanda
ADM (Review Services)
Values and Ethics Champion
