McGill University Student Union Campaigns for Gun Ban, Bill C-71

Share: — The student union of McGill University in Montreal is campaigning to criminalize federally licensed handgun owners and endorse the government’s Bill C-71, a proposed law to suppress the rights of lawful hunters and sport shooters.

The Students’ Society of McGill University voted 26 in favour and 2 against a motion for a petition “to implement a ban on the civilian ownership of handguns and military assault weapons,” according to a report today in the McGill Tribune and a draft document for approval at the Nov. 29 executive meeting.

Wipe Out, Eliminate

The student leaders at McGill, which didn’t place in the top-15 universities in an annual ranking by Maclean’s magazine, could be the first student union seeking to criminalize some 300,000 safe and responsible Canadian men and women.

A ban would wipe out hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth, eliminate tens of thousands of jobs and end the athletic careers of thousands of competitors. Last month Lynda Kiejko of Alberta won Team Canada’s first spot to send a shooter to the next Olympics.

‘Ban on Civilian Ownership’

The union voted to “endorse Bill C-71, which calls for the implementation of a ban on civilian ownership of handguns and military assault weapons in Canada.”

The motion included a letter template to send senators, who are now reviewing the draft text of the law proposed by the government in March. The government is also examining a “full ban” on handguns and many other firearms.

Bill C-71 as written doesn’t have any clauses relating to handguns.

Prohibit, Seize

Its measures include the immediate prohibition and eventually seizure of lawfully owned rifles from as many as 15,000 hunters and sport shooters, and it could facilitate future bans. It will require private sellers to report themselves and potential buyers to the federal police before any transaction, and require extra police permissions to transport handguns to a gunsmith, airport or border crossing.

Tomorrow is the 29th anniversary of a massacre at Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique. It serves as an annual reminder of the value of having access to weapons and training to protect life. Canadian politicians and police have made this almost impossible.

What the Student Union Left Out

  • All guns are banned already for everyone under threat of prison unless they get a temporary waiver from the federal police. The waiver is generally a renewable five-year licence.
  • Hunting and sport shooting are among the most popular outdoor activities in Canada. More men and women have a firearm licence authorized by the police than play golf, hockey, soccer or who ski. Millions more unlicensed family and friends of all ages also practice hunting and sport shooting.
  • Statistically speaking and other things being equal, a person without a firearm licence is a much higher threat to public safety than a person with a firearm licence.

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