First Defence Team Career and Networking Fair


DND/CAF will hold their first Defence Team Career and Networking Fair on October 17th from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Ottawa at the Diefenbaker building, 111 Sussex Drive, as well as in several locations across the country, including Esquimalt, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Kingston, Petawawa, Montreal, Gagetown and Halifax. The main event will also be available via virtual broadcast, enabling all our members to attend from their own workplace. This event is open to military members and their spouses, civilians and students.

The Career and Networking Fair is an opportunity to learn more about what this organization has to offer their civilians and military work force. Discover the diverse and available occupations within the Public Service, Regular Force and Reserves, and explore the various programs and services being offered throughout the organization. You will be able to attend onsite or virtually the various workshops, kiosks and panel discussions, and talk directly to subject matter experts, recruiters, peers and functional and organizational leaders. If you are planning to attend virtually we encourage you to book a conference room within your workplace or bring headphones so that you can listen from your work station.

There will be 12 workshops that will cover topics such as Information on Staffing Processes and How to Apply, Activity Based Workplace, Mentoring, GC Tools, SharePoint and more. There will be over 35 different kiosks, including Recruitment for Reserves, Regular Forces and Civilians, Career Development Programs and opportunities for civilian and military members, National Student Hiring, Awards and Recognition, and many more.

There will be a “Career Connections” networking portion that will allow participants to talk directly with hiring managers. Mr. Bill Matthews, Senior Associate Deputy Minister, will be our keynote speaker followed by a panel discussion on “Keys to Success: Candid advice on how to succeed in your career”.

To attend in person or online the workshops, networking, keynote address and panel discussion, register online until October 16th 2018, or while seats are available. Attendance is open to everyone for the kiosks, however we do encourage you to sign up as this will allow you access to the online site where workshops and the panel discussion will be taped and available for 30 days after the event. You will also be able to download any relevant documentation available at the kiosks.

For more details, visit our GCPedia page and go to the event website. If you need additional information please contact the Blueprint Secretariat at +Blueprint 2020 – Objectif 2020.

Shuttle services will be provided in the NCR at the normal shuttle pick-up locations as follows:


  • from Carling Campus GuardHouse#2 to 111 Sussex Drive: 0815 hrs
  • from Carling Campus GuardHouse#2 to 111 Sussex Drive: 1145 hrs
  • from 105 Hotel De Ville (Hull) to 111 Sussex Drive: 0830 hrs
  • from 105 Hotel De Ville (Hull) to 111 Sussex Drive: 1145 hrs


  • from 111 Sussex to Carling: 1100 hrs
  • from 111 Sussex to Carling: 1545 hrs
  • from 111 Sussex to Hotel De Ville: 1130 hrs
  • from 111 Sussex to Hotel De Ville: 1545 hrs