Ferro Concepts 2000 “Likes” Giveaway

Ferro Concepts the high quality custom gear maker out of Calgary, Alberta have offered up on their facebook page that upon 2000 likes they will be giving away one of their signature Ferro Concepts Plate Carriers.
Dear customers,
Thank you all for the 1500 plus likes on Facebook! We appreciate all the support very much! When we hit 2000 likes we will be giving away an FCPC!!!! More to be announced closer to then.
We also want to thank everyone for their patience with the FCPC official release and many other great products coming around the same time. We are working on stocking many products including the FCPC and all it’s components so it is a big process and takes time. We are hoping for things to be in stock in about 2-2.5 months.
Please remember that items listed as “In stock” on our website are available for immediate purchase. We are still not accepting custom orders until announced.
Ferro Team