DT News Minute: Policy on cannabis use by CAF Members



(J) The Canadian Armed Forces have published a new policy outlining the rules for military members regarding the use of cannabis.

On October 17, cannabis will be legal for recreational use in Canada. The new policy was developed to foster a safe and healthy workplace for all members of the Defence Team, and to ensure the Canadian military remains a fit, deployable, and effective force by establishing periods of prohibition for the consumption of cannabis.

The policy is known as DAOD 9004-1, Use of Cannabis by CAF members. It is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members of the Canadian Armed Forces and a directive that applies to employees of the Department of National Defence.

More guidance will soon be provided to civilian public servants, contractors, and employees of external organizations who work on National Defence properties to ensure safe and impairment-free work environments.

Every CAF member is urged to read and fully understand the contents of the policy. As the Chief of the Defence Staff expressed in his message, Canadian Armed Forces members are expected to act responsibly and conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times as they continue to be held to the highest expectations by Canadians.

To access the policy and additional resources about cannabis, visit the related links.
