DT News: Exercise ARROWHEAD SHIELD, NARW conservation efforts in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Linguistic Duality Day



(S) Welcome back to Defence Team News, Je suis Shelley Van Hoof.

(J) Et je suis lieutenant de vaisseau Jeff Lura. Don’t forget about Linguistic Duality Day, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, taking place on September 13.

(S) Like we’re doing for today’s episode, try incorporating your second official language throughout your day to honour the role bilingualism plays in the Defence Team. Voici ce qui fait les manchettes à la Défense.

(J) Exercise ARROWHEAD SHIELD wrapped up last month at Camp Grayling, Michigan. Approximately 500 members from 31 Canadian Brigade Group participated in the exercise.

The exercise replicated defensive operations in both conventional and urban environments, and soldiers trained in planning for and responding to various combat situations. Soldiers also planned and executed Territorial Battalion Group tasks while operating communications and navigation equipment, various weapons systems, and conducting patrol operations.

The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that the CAF reserve forces meet the various requirements of modern militaries through training and certification, as outlined in Canada’s Defence Policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged.

(S) The Royal Canadian Air Force recently supported North Atlantic right whale conservation efforts taking place in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

A CP-140 Aurora Long-Range Patrol Aircraft from 14 Wing Shearwater helped carry out the deployment of remote underwater acoustic sensors, known as sonobuoys, around a cluster of right whales. Sonar analysts will use the recorded acoustic data from these sensors to rebuild geospatial tracks for individual whales in the group.

In collaboration with Defence Research and Development Canada and a variety of other partners, the aim of this trial was to improve the ability to detect, classify and track this species and their behaviour.

(J) C’est tout pour aujourd’hui. Thank you so much for watching. We’ll see you next time…

(S)…for Defence Team News!
