DT News: Celebrating excellence in the Defence Team



(S) Bravo Zulu to the military and civilian staff from across Canada recognized at the annual Celebrating Excellence Awards for their efforts towards a more efficient, inclusive, and healthy Defence Team.

(C) The event took place June 11th at the National War Museum in Ottawa and celebrated individuals and groups for their leadership, innovation, and collaboration towards the objectives of Canada’s Defence Policy: Strong, Secure, Engaged.

(CDS) This is an important night. I look forward to this night. We know that it’s coming up. It’s a great setting and you should be incredibly proud and should feel happy. And I want to do everything I can, and I know the Deputy does as well, to make you feel good and proud of what you’ve done.

(DM) We know that as global defence and security environment changes, DND and the CAF need to evolve as well–and we are. With efforts and leadership of our award winners tonight–we’re changing, we’re delivering, we are doing our very best for Canada.

(MW) Well, I’m here to receive an award about my contribution to a big team effort to develop what’s called the Implementation Guidance for the Vancouver Principles. I’m really honoured to be here, especially after you’ve really worked hard over many hours with some amazing colleagues.

(MB) I am receiving the Deputy Minister Award for Excellence. It’s an award that I feel that I am sharing with my entire team. Super good at their craft, passionate about what they are doing, and that have been supporting me the last year.
