DT News: 5th anniversary of the Osside Institute and 11th edition of the Junior Canadian Rangers National Marksmanship Championship



(K) A center of excellence in Professional Military Education celebrates its 5th anniversary on May 30th.

The Osside Institute is world-renowned in providing specific military education to non-commissioned members.

This education prepares prospective petty officers and warrant officers for varying levels of leadership responsibility, from intermediate, to advanced, to senior leadership programming.

Located in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, the Institute is named after Chief Warrant Officer Robert Osside, the first Canadian Armed Forces Chief Warrant Officer to be appointed in 1978.

(N) The 11th edition of the Junior Canadian Rangers National Marksmanship Championship was hosted by 2 Canadian Rangers Patrol Group in Quebec City.

Bringing together members of the Junior Canadian Rangers from across Canada, we got a chance to speak to some of the participants about the friendly competition.

(L) I’m in Quebec City for the National Marksmanship Championship. I’ll be helping the Juniors perform a bit better for their competition. I’m glad to be part of their experience.
