Defence Team News: the 102nd edition of the Nijmegen Marches and a CH-148 Cyclone deploys on Op REASSURANCE



Welcome back to Defence Team News, I’m Nicole Power.

And I’m Lt(N) Jamie Bresolin. Here are the headlines at Defence.

The 102nd edition of the Nijmegen Marches recently wrapped up in the Netherlands. The 66th year of Canadian Armed Forces participation in the international four-day event highlights Canada’s historic and unique connection to the Netherlands.

The Nijmegen March is an international march that takes place here in Nijmegen, Netherlands, each year, which brings together over 47,000 marchers, both civilian and military. It is a march that is over 100 years old, which started with military members. The king of the Netherlands at the time wanted to ensure that his troops were in good physical shape, so he started this march. It lasts four days, covering, 40 kilometres per day with 10 kilos on their backs. They walk all around the Nijmegen area. Not long after it was started, it became a bigger event and then civilians were integrated into the march.

Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Ville de Québec departed for Operation REASSURANCE earlier this month, along with the first operational deployment of a CH-148 Cyclone helicopter.

The ship will join Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 on its way to the Mediterranean Sea. This effort is part of Canada’s support to assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe.

HMCS Ville de Québec replaced HMCS St. John’s, which arrived in its homeport of Halifax after six months away from home.

That’s it for us. Thank you so much for watching. See you next time…

…for Defence Team News!
