Counting Dollars or Measuring Value: Assessing NATO and Partner Burden Sharing


DEP Expert Briefing Series presents Dr. Kathleen H. Hicks


Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at 101 Colonel By Drive (Ottawa, ON), 2 NT, Brigadier Richard Malone Multimedia Centre, 10:30-12:00

The Defence Engagement Program (DEP) is pleased to invite you to an expert briefing by Dr. Kathleen H. Hicks from the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, DC. Dr. Hicks is senior vice president, Henry A. Kissinger Chair, and Director of the International Security Program at CSIS. She served in the Obama administration as Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Forces. Dr. Hicks will be joined by Seamus P. Daniels, program coordinator and research assistant for Defense Budget Analysis at CSIS.

Dr. Hicks and Mr. Daniels will deliver a 30-minute presentation followed by a 60 minute Q&A on CSIS’s July 2018 report entitled “Counting Dollars or Measuring Value: Assessing NATO and Partner Burden Sharing”. The report examines various metrics which may provide a broader understanding of collective security contributions by NATO allies and key European partners beyond the two percent of gross domestic product benchmark. You can find the full report on CSIS’s website. The research for this report was partially funded through a DEP Targeted Engagement Grant.

The briefing portion of the presentation will be filmed (no crowd scans), and made available upon request. The Q&A portion will not be filmed and will follow the Chatham House Rule. Following this event, a report of the briefing will be sent out to all invitees. A 5-minute summary video of the presentation will be available to the Defence Team on the Defence Team Video Library (internal link).

This event will be available via video-teleconference for those outside of the NCR. For more details please contact: [email protected].

Please note, this event is only open to current federal government employees.

If you are arriving from outside of DND/CAF, please arrive 20 minutes early at the NDHQ Mackenzie King Bridge Visitor’s Entrance to allow for registration with security.
