CCFR files Injunction – Amnesty


The Liberal government still has no idea how to coordinate and facilitate their confiscation program for legally acquired firearms prohibited in the May 2020 OIC gun ban. Since that announcement of the ban, the CCFR has took point and led the fight in the Federal Courts, in the media and in the court of public opinion. Gun owners have also been protected from criminality by the Amnesty Order, which has already been extended once.

However, the previously extended amnesty will once again be expiring and no additional extension has been announced, leaving gun owners completely exposed to serious criminal charges for possession of a prohibited device. There has also been a change of Minister of Public Safety with the latest cabinet shuffle and not a word from Minister Leblanc on this issue.

Due to all these reasons, the CCFR has filed an injunction application with the Federal Court to force the Liberal government to extend the amnesty for gun owners and the businesses that serve them, to protect them all from criminality.

Other organizations have hesitated to act due to the cost associated with the work involved in filing this, as it requires lawyers to perform billable work. At the CCFR we believe you’re worth it and the cost involved is well worth it to provide Canadian firearms owners and retailers the certainty of a safety valve.

Your freedom is worth it to us.

We also await the federal courts decision on the main challenge – more to come on that soon.



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