Back to school driving safety


As summer is quickly coming to an end, autumn is making a comeback bringing along the sweater weather, colour change, and pumpkin spice everything. That being said, fall is also synonymous with back to school. Indeed, as students of all ages head back to class, it is important to acknowledge the fact that their homecoming impacts us all.

First of all, the beginning of classes lead to an increase in vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. It is important to drive cautiously, even when outside of designated school zones! Kids move quickly and aren’t always careful or mindful about traffic, so keep an eye out for them as they cross the street, get out of a vehicle or ride their bikes. Slow down and be aware that in certain areas, the speed limit drops according to school schedules. Moreover, school buses will be flooding the streets during peak rush hours, so remember to share the streets and to be courteous. Upon the sight of a school bus, keep a safe distance behind it and prepare to stop immediately when the red lights start flashing or the stop sign swings out; no matter what side of the road you are on. Finally, watch for crossing guards and respect their authority in order to prevent accidents and to help kids cross streets safely.

Stay safe !
