About 90% of Liberals Support Gun Ban in Cities, Ekos Chief Says


TheGunBlog.ca — About 90 percent of Canadians who would consider voting for the Liberal Party support a “total ban” on gun ownership in cities, Frank Graves, the president of the polling company Ekos Research Associates said this evening.

The ruling Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is considering a total ban on all firearms owned by all hunters and sport shooters across the country, Lorne Gunter said earlier today in a column in the Toronto Sun.

Ottawa-based Ekos found 69 percent support for urban gun bans in a survey a year ago. The commentary by Graves at the time suggested he favoured ending civilian firearm ownership.

“I am just in the field with an update of this question,” Graves said tonight on Twitter. “The support levels appear to be even higher now. I am guessing that amongst voters available to the LPC close to 90% would support a total ban in cities. #nobrainer”


Graves was replying to Michael Cust in a thread started by TheGunBlog.ca sharing the Toronto Sun column. Cust had tweeted it earlier.

“The Liberals are putting their feelers out to see how much they can get away with banning for votes,” Cust said in a series of replies to TheGunBlog.ca.

“Just because hoplophobia — intolerance of gun-owners is popular — it doesn’t make it right,” Cust replied directly to Graves.

The prime minister’s office and ministry of public safety, which manages firearm licensing, didn’t respond to a request for comment this evening from TheGunBlog.ca about the Gunter article.

The government is already considering a total ban on handguns and what it called “assault weapons.”

Read: Trudeau Says to Study ‘Full Ban on Handguns and Assault Weapons’

Hill+Knowlton Strategies, a public-relations firm that advises the government, said in March that new restrictions on hunters and sport shooters present an “untapped opportunity” for the Liberals to win votes.

All firearms are banned already for everyone unless they get temporary permission from the federal police after passing safety courses, background checks and reference checks.

About 2.2 million Canadian men and women have the temporary permits as renewable five-year firearm Possession and Acquisition Licences. That’s more adults than play golf, hockey, soccer or baseball.

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