A message from the Clerk of the Privy Council


It is an honour and a privilege for me to assume the responsibilities of Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet.

To be entrusted with providing advice and support to the Prime Minister and Cabinet, as well as with stewarding the world’s finest public service as we work together to implement the Government’s agenda, is indeed a humbling experience.

I look forward to working with you in serving Canadians as our Public Service continues to set the pace globally as an efficient, innovative and respected institution. I will be counting on the collaboration of public servants across departments and agencies, and in every region of the country. And I will benefit enormously from the support of Deputy Clerk Catherine Blewett and my colleague Deputy Ministers.

Ours is a Public Service that draws strength from diversity and inclusion. Ours is a Canada whose every voice deserves to be heard. I thank you for listening to those voices and for addressing the concerns of Canadians.

I am excited to work with you as Canada continues to advance and grow.
