60 Seconds with Major Alma Pleasance on Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE



Poutine, donair or beavertail? Salad. I’m just kidding. All three.

Hi, I’m Maj Alma Pleasance. I’m the DCO of the JTFSC here in Orkanger, Norway and I’m here on Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE and I’m here to do the 60 Seconds challenge.

  1. What are you most looking for into at TRIDENT JUNCTURE?

Probably seeing Canadian troops operate with 30 other NATO nations in an exercise that’s pretty massive.

  1. If you weren’t a logistic officer in the CAF, what would you want to do?

I would probably want to be a photographer or a foreign service officer.

  1. What’s the coolest part of Ex TRIDENT JUNCTURE?

Well, we’re in Norway, so that’s pretty cool.

  1. What does diversity mean to you?

Probably being able to accept other people no matter what the differences are and accepting that they can contribute. Everyone can contribute to a great society.

  1. Describe yourself in three words.

Soldier, mother, wife. Tired.

  1. If you came with a warning label, what would it say?

