60 Seconds with LS Dustin Perry, Clearance Diver, Fleet Dive Unit (Pacific) at RIMPAC 2018



What’s your favourite emoji? The sunglasses face!

My name is Leading Seaman Dustin Perry. I’m currently participating in RIMPAC 2018. And I’m a Clearance Diver from Fleet Dive Unit, Pacific. I’m here to take the 60 seconds challenge.

  1. What’s the coolest part of RIMPAC?

Working with other countries.

  1. What’s the best part about working for the Canadian Armed Forces?

You get to help solve the world’s problems.

  1. Who do you talk to on the phone the most?

My mother.

  1. Tell us an interesting fun fact about you.

I refurbished a 1996 Harley Davidson.

  1. What has been the most rewarding work experience of your career?

Removing explosive hazards from Canadian soil.

  1. What is the most valuable piece of advice you have received?

Do unto others as you would have done unto you.

  1. If you weren’t in the CAF, what would you want to do?

Mountain climber.

  1. What are you most looking forward to at RIMPAC?

Seeing how the US Navy EOD does business.

And I think that’s it!
