60 Seconds with Lieutenant-Commander Kristina Gray, Commanding Officer of HMCS Edmonton

Lieutenant-Commander Kristina Gray, Commanding Officer of HMCS Edmonton
Who is your favourite Roman Emperor?
Hi, I’m Lieutenant-Commander Kristina Gray and this is sixty seconds with the Commanding Officer of Edmonton.
1. How big is the operating area on the Eastern Pacific side of Op CARIBBE?
About the size of the United States.
2. How long has the Canadian Armed Forces conducted Op CARIBBE?
Since 2006.
3. What is your cat’s name?
4. To date, how many metric tons of illicit drugs has Canada contributed to seizing?
Before Edmonton got here it was 85 and a half tons, but since Edmonton has been here it’s over 90.
5. Where did you go to high school?
Chilliwack Senior Secondary
6. What is your favourite port visit?
7. What is your dog’s name?
8. What is your favourite colour?
9. What is your favourite food?
Ice cream
10. What is Operation CARIBBE?
It’s Canada’s contribution to Op MARTILLO to stop the transport of illicit drugs into North America.
11. Where’d you go on your last holiday?
And we’re time.