60 Seconds with LCol Éric Quirion, Commander, Joint Taskforce Nijmegen 2019 and CWO Éric Drouin, Contingent Sergeant Major

(LCol) What is your favourite emoji?
Hi, I’m Lieutenant-Colonel Éric Quirion, commander of Joint Taskforce Nijmegen 2019.
(CWO) Hello, I’m Chief Warrant Officer Éric Drouin. I’m the sergeant major for JTF Nijmegen 2019.
- How many Canadians are participating in this year’s Nijmegen Marches?
- (LCol) What is a fun fact about this year’s Nijmegen Marches?
Well, there are over 6000 military participants.
- (CWO) What is the best advice you have ever received?
Always follow your instincts.
- (LCol) What would you like the people to take away from the Nijmegen Marches?
I think I’d like them to take away the commemoration aspect and remembering our fallen soldiers from World War I, World War II and the current wars.
- (CWO) How much weight fully-loaded are CAF members wearing during the Marches?
Ten kilos, which is 22 pounds.
- (LCol) Who has been the most influential person in your life career?
Oh! Good question. I would have to say my wife.
(CWO) Thanks very much.