60 Seconds with Col Gervais Carpentier, Commandant of the Royal Military College Saint-Jean



If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Combat rations.

Hello, I’m Col Gervais Carpentier, Commandant of the Royal Military College Saint-Jean. We’re starting in three, two, one.

  1. Who can attend the military colleges?

Motivated young men and women who want to pursue university studies.

  1. What do you like to do when you’re not at work?

Outdoor family activities

  1. What is one thing you cannot live without?

My hockey equipment.

  1. Describe yourself in three words.

Truth, duty, valour.

  1. What advice would you give to RMC graduates?

Value who you are. Be proud of what you represent.

  1. What was your very first job?

Paper boy for the newspaper La Presse.

  1. How do you maintain your mental health?

Playing sports, spending time with my family and setting priorities at work and identifying what is essential.

  1. Are you high-tech or low-tech?


That’s the last question. Thank you very much.
