2023 CCFR Director Elections


Here’s everything you need to know.

2023 CCFR AGM – Director Nominations

It’s that time of year again!! It seems to creep up on us quicker every year. It’s been a strange couple of years, for everyone, so a special thank you goes out to our whole team, our leadership and most of all our members, for getting through it.

Each year we hold elections for half our provincial director positions. These are volunteer positions, and each term is two years unless otherwise indicated. Things are improving this year so we’ll be holding our 2023 CCFR AGM in person for the first time in 3 years and hope many of you will join us. The new slate of Directors will be announced at the AGM, published on our website and submitted to Industry Canada. The CCFR is a registered, federal not for profit organization.

At the CCFR it is important to us to not get in a rut with having the same leadership team for years, if not decades. This fosters an unhealthy environment and tends to lead to individuals growing hungry for power over an organization. At the same time, there is great value in having some directors remain on for consistency and to add some historical elements. For these reasons, each year we have half of our Director seats come open for election at the AGM.

Here is a list of the seats open for election this year:

British Columbia: 1 seat

Alberta: 1 seat

Ontario: 1 seat

Quebec: 1 seat

NS: 1 seat

Saskatchewan: 1 seat

NB: 1 seat

For those interested in taking a more active role in advocacy at the CCFR, here is everything you need to know:

To run for the office of Director for the CCFR, you must:

  • have been a member of the CCFR in good standing at the AGM and prior to January 1, 2023
  • have power under Canadian law to sign legally binding contracts and documents
  • not have a criminal record for which you have not received a pardon from
  • be a resident of the province you are nominated in
  • not be in a state of personal bankruptcy
  • be nominated by 2 other CCFR members in your province who personally know you

Qualifications of Directors: Directors shall be individuals, eighteen (18) or more years of age, who have not been declared incapable by a court of Canada or in another country, who do not have the status of bankruptcy, and are Members in good standing of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights and of the group entitled to elect that Director. Interested individuals should possess the qualities and skill sets necessary to participate in the operation of a national corporation.


The nomination form must be filled in and returned to the CCFR office either by mail or via email at the addresses provided on the form no later than May 15, 2023 at 18:00EST. The form MUST be accompanied by a good quality digital photo of yourself (headshot) AND a minimum 250 word bio, outlining your experience, detailing why you think you would be a good candidate and what reasons you have for wanting to serve on the CCFR Board of Directors. The information you provide in your bio will be what is sent to members on an electronic voting ballot should a contest occur in your province. It will be their main incentive for voting for you, so craft accordingly.

Nominations submitted without the completed form, bio and photo will be considered ineligible and will be excluded from the election.

**You must be a member in good standing of the CCFR on or before March 01, 2023 to be nominated for a position, vote on business matters or vote for a director for your province at the 2023 CCFR AGM to be held on June 11, 2023.

Nomination Form: https://firearmrights.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Nomination-Form-for-Office-of-Director-of-the-Canadian-Coalition-for-Firearm-Rights-1-1.pdf

Candidates and members are encouraged to thoroughly read the Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation.

Get your tickets for the 2023 AGM in Ottawa HERE

Voting information and instructions on how to tune in/join the live-stream of the meeting will be sent to all members in good standing at a later date.

If you have any questions, concerns or need help, please contact Tracey Wilson at [email protected] 

The post 2023 CCFR Director Elections appeared first on Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights.
