2018 Survey on sexual misconduct in the CAF: Every voice counts

This fall, Statistics Canada (StatCan) will begin conducting the 2018 survey on sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).
The purpose of this survey is to get an up-to-date picture of the issue of sexual misconduct in the CAF, and to measure progress since Operation HONOUR was initiated in 2015. The survey asks a series of questions to determine the prevalence of sexual misconduct in the CAF in the last 12 months, and to gauge awareness of pertinent policies, programs, and support mechanisms.
In mid-September, StatCan will begin sending invitations by email and mail to eligible Regular Force and Primary Reserve personnel. The survey is voluntary but all personnel are strongly encouraged to take time to share their views. All members’ perspectives are important, whether or not they have been directly affected by sexual misconduct.
StatCan will analyse the data and compare it with data collected in 2016. Comparing the data will help us measure the impact of Operation HONOUR, and identify areas that require a more concentrated level of effort for improvement. StatCan will release the survey results at the end of May 2019.
Sexual misconduct has far reaching, negative impacts on morale, cohesion, operational effectiveness, deployability, recruiting and retention. The 2018 Survey on Sexual Misconduct in the CAF is vital to deepening our understanding of the issues and how they should be addressed.
Watch for your invitation to participate, and don’t miss your chance to contribute to this important initiative to improve the well-being of the CAF and its personnel.