ICSPP 2020 – Bridging Science and Practice


CFMWS’ Human Performance Research and Development, Directorate of Fitness, Personnel Support Programs (PSP) is in full swing preparing to host the fifth International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance (ICSPP) from 11-14 February 2020 in Quebec City.

The ICSPP is the most important international congress in applied military human performance research and attracts researchers, practitioners, operators and military leaders from all over the world. It also attracts a number of participants from a range of physically demanding occupations including emergency services, police, fire and ambulance.

The program spans a number of areas of interest including physical training programs and adaptions, occupational and physical performance, testing and assessment, injury prevention, public health and health promotion, nutritional considerations, equipment design, biomechanics, gender integration issues, thermoregulation and environmental issues, deployment considerations, and psychological and cognitive factors.

“As the host for this year’s conference, it gives us an excellent opportunity to showcase Canada’s contributions in this area, including latest research results and capabilities,” says Patrick Gagnon, National Manager, PSP, Human Performance and Chair of ICSPP 2020.

This year, the CAF’s NCR Defence Women’s Advisory Organization (DWAO) is hoping to sponsor* one female attendee from the NCR. Those interested should submit a letter of interest, indicating why they would like to attend and how attending the ICSPP would enhance their current role within the Defence Community.  Letters should be submitted no later than January 1, 2020 via email to [email protected]

For more information about the Congress, keynote speakers, program or to register, visit www.icspp2020.ca

*up to a maximum of 2000 CAD
