DT News: exercise NIHILO SAPPER and nominations are now open for the Celebrating Excellence Awards



(Julie-Anne) Regular and reserve force military engineers in Atlantic Canada are participating in exercise NIHILO SAPPER, brushing up on their technical skills in community-driven infrastructure.

(Hannah) The exercise ensures CAF-readiness to deploy on operations on short notice when it comes to engineering support.

(J) In addition to bridge and trail-building projects, participants also conduct training in counter-improvised explosives and expedited route opening, as well as joint dive training with the Royal Canadian Navy.

(H) Nominations are now open for the Celebrating Excellence Awards.

(J) Defence Team members can nominate colleagues who they think have accomplished significant achievements and are deserving of recognition for their work.

(H) Know anyone who meets the criteria? Don’t hesitate to submit the name of a colleague or a team for a Celebrating Excellence Award, or an External Award. Both civilian employees and CAF members are eligible.

This year’s nomination deadline is December 20th.

(J) Please visit the related links for information on the nomination process and for the nomination forms.
