Stressed out and worried about your finances, family, job or health? LifeSpeak can help


Stressed out?

Worried about your finances, family, job or health?

LifeSpeak can help!

LifeSpeak is a web-based service that offers anonymous access to hundreds of short videos from leading experts on everyday issues affecting all of us from time to time.  Topics include:

  • Healthy Eating in the Real World
  • Understanding Mental Illness in the Workplace
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Depression from A-Z
  • Addiction 101
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Navigating Through Divorce
  • Stress in Children -How Can We Help?
  • Bullying 101
  • Caring, Coping, and not Collapsing

LifeSpeak is part of the Department of National Defence’s (DND) Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and is available to Defence Team employees and their families as of September 1, 2019.

How do I access LifeSpeak?

You can access LifeSpeak in several ways:

  • Go to the LifeSpeak website or
  • Download the app

Be sure to enter the corporate ID: canada. It’s free of charge and 100% confidential.

The app gives you expert-led content, along with brand-new features:

  • Download videos for offline viewing
  • Stream podcasts; no need to download them
  • Participate in Ask the Expert web chats right from your phone
  • Manage your account from the app
  • Earn points and badges for any activities you engage in either on the app or on the LifeSpeak website (watching videos, reading tip sheets, participating in a web chat, etc.)
  • Join leaderboard (anonymously) to measure your activity against your peers’

LifeSpeak is one feature of DND’s EAP.  

DND employees and their families also have access to:

  • Peer Referral Agents (RA)s—employees who provide confidential active-listening skills and resources (during regular working hours).
  • Short-term professional mental health counselling services through Health Canada – Employee Assistance Services (EAS). This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, by calling 1-800-268-7708 or 1-800-567-5803 (for the hearing impaired)

Everyone struggles from time-to-time, but you do not have to cope alone. If you need help and guidance, contact your EAP.  We are here support you!
