60 Seconds with LCol Éric Quirion, Commander, Joint Taskforce Nijmegen 2019 and CWO Éric Drouin, Contingent Sergeant Major



(LCol) What is your favourite emoji?

Hi, I’m Lieutenant-Colonel Éric Quirion, commander of Joint Taskforce Nijmegen 2019.

(CWO) Hello, I’m Chief Warrant Officer Éric Drouin. I’m the sergeant major for JTF Nijmegen 2019.

  1. How many Canadians are participating in this year’s Nijmegen Marches?
  2. (LCol) What is a fun fact about this year’s Nijmegen Marches?

Well, there are over 6000 military participants.

  1. (CWO) What is the best advice you have ever received?

Always follow your instincts.

  1. (LCol) What would you like the people to take away from the Nijmegen Marches?

I think I’d like them to take away the commemoration aspect and remembering our fallen soldiers from World War I, World War II and the current wars.

  1. (CWO) How much weight fully-loaded are CAF members wearing during the Marches?

Ten kilos, which is 22 pounds.

  1. (LCol) Who has been the most influential person in your life career?

Oh! Good question. I would have to say my wife.


(CWO) Thanks very much.
