Exhibition by Retired CAF Member Tells Poignant Stories of “LGBT Purge” Survivors


By Litigation Implementation Team Communications Section, Chief Military Personnel

An art exhibition by WO (Ret’d) Christine Potvin, recently displayed at the School of The Photographic Art Ottawa (SPAO), tells the stories of 14 CAF survivors of the “LGBT Purge,” a dark period during which LGBTQ2 Canadians serving in the public service, the military or the RCMP were unfairly targeted by federal policies due to their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

“This is just the beginning… silence is not an option,” said WO (Ret’d) Potvin speaking about her exhibition that included photographs, audio files, and a book of stories of the CAF survivors of the “Purge”, which lasted from the mid-50s to the mid-90s.

“This is not about opening the floodgates or finger pointing,” she added. “Rather, we must educate anyone who takes the time to listen. One individual could potentially reach ten others and so on and so forth,” she said.

WO (Ret’d) Potvin is a CAF veteran. She served 29 years in the CAF medical branch and was deployed, including three missions in Afghanistan. In 2017, she was released for medical reasons and enrolled in a full time diploma program at the SPAO.

The exhibition was on display from April 26 until May 5. In addition to framed prints of photographs that WO (Ret’d) Potvin took of her subjects, visitors could explore the book of stories and listen to excerpts from the compelling, emotional and highly personal interviews she conducted with the survivors.

The book is being published with an official launch on October 5th. A copy of the book will be kept at the War Museum in Ottawa and the audio interviews in the National Archives of Canada as a historical reminder. WO (Ret’d) Potvin is also planning on organizing a book tour across Canada, accompanied by Purge survivors, targeting high schools, colleges and universities.

RAdm Jennifer Bennett, Director General Litigation Implementation was in attendance on the opening day of the exhibit and met with WO (Ret’d) Potvin and Purge survivors. The Litigation Implementation Team, under CMP, is currently working on implementing the CAF portion of the final settlement agreement of the “LGBT Purge” class action lawsuit. The settlement offers recognition and reconciliation measures, as well as financial compensation to eligible claimants.

“The exhibition was very powerful in conveying the injustice suffered by those survivors and each photo shows the incredible negative impact of their experience and the toll it has had on their lives. WO Potvin’s works are a reminder that no such discrimination should ever happen again,” said RAdm Bennett after visiting the exhibition.

Check out this Maple Leaf article to learn more about the “LGBT Purge” and the following class action law suit settlement.

Related Links:

CAF begins processing claims in LGBT Purge settlement

Government of Canada unveils the Canada Pride Citation

CAF issues administrative instructions related to the LGBT Purge

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