Exercise MAROON CHEF 2019


To highlight the Cook trade, six teams, each made up of one member of the Defence Team, and one Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) culinary student, came together this past April for a cook-off in six Mobile Kitchen Trailers, (MKT). Formerly known as Exercise SAFFRON, this cooking skills exercise at Detachment Aldershot was rebranded as Exercise MAROON CHEF for a 5 Canadian Division flavour.

The MKTs provided a unique platform for an interactive recruiting experience. The Cook trade, currently short of personnel, was emphasized as an exciting career opportunity for Atlantic Canadians. The Regular Force offers up to a $20,000 signing bonus for qualified cooks to join the Canadian Armed Forces. The day was attended by members of the public and local media.

Five local judges sampled and scored all the meals provided. Competition was fierce, with only a few points separating the teams. The top scoring team was made up of CFB Gagetown civilian cook, Mitchel Munn, of 5 Canadian Division Support Group, and Dean Li of NSCC’s culinary program. The two smiling cooks were presented with the Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Johnson trophy. CWO Johnson was the first black CWO, and also served in the CAF as a cook. Members of his family were on hand for the inaugural presentation of the trophy. The trophy was designed by Warrant Officer Aaron Arnold, and hand crafted at 5 Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown.

Stay tuned to the 5 Canadian Division Facebook page for more information regarding Exercise MAROON CHEF 2020!

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