Watch a special Defence Team News on flooding in several parts of Canada



(S) As part of Operation LENTUS, several Canadian Armed Forces members have joined the effort to provide relief to flood-ravaged communities in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick.

(KS) At the height of the crisis, approximately 2,300 soldiers, sailors and aviators supported this effort. We recently spoke with a few members working on the ground to see how the situation is evolving.

(NK) So, we’re attached to a 22e Régiment company. We’re a troop of reservists.

What we do when we receive orders, for example if the municipality asks for assistance, it goes through Public Safety. Then, it comes down through the Army.

We’re asked to go into the field to help the municipality. What we did here, it’s… In fact, it’s building dikes and filling sandbags to help the local population.

(KS) Before we go, the Defence Team is highlighting science and technology in the department as part of the Science Odyssey festival.

(S) Follow Defence Research and Development Canada on Twitter or check out the hashtags below for some of the innovative projects National Defence and the Government of Canada are working on.
