Chief Military Personnel Administrative Response Centre


As part of his mandate to provide human resource support and coordination for members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Commander Military Personnel Command (CMPC) / Chief Military Personnel (CMP) created Director General Military Personnel Policy (DGMPP). The role of DGMPP is to produce, update, and bring order to all personnel related policy documentation and directives within the command.

The new CMP Administrative Response Centre (ARC) is a DGMPP initiative designed to streamline the inquiry response process and create a centre of expertise for all Military Personnel Command (MPC) policy-related matters. MPC will be accessible to personnel who directly support CAF members and their families. As a result, administrative support staff, adjutants, sergeant-majors, and chains of command will now have simple access and support to address questions, concerns, and informal complaints related to DGMPP policy.

CMP ARC will investigate, and respond to: policy clarification / interpretation, requests for information, and informal complaints related to CMP ARC personnel policies. Data captured through the tracking of inquiries will provide CMP ARC and CMPC with vital information regarding current areas of dissatisfaction, misinterpretations of policy, and policy gaps in order to meet current and future needs of CAF members.

Because CMP ARC is not a formal adjudicative authority, requests relating to grievances, active formal processes (such as harassment investigations) and legal proceedings are not part of its purview. Similarly, as the ARC is a CMP ARC entity, it cannot respond to requests for interpretation of policy that belongs to other L1s.

The initial roll-out for the CMP ARC is set for May 10, 2019 at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden, Ontario. Subsequent dates and locations to expand CMP ARC operations are still to be identified, but are expected to follow in Fall 2019 and in April 2020, when CMP ARC is expected to open at all CAF locations and to various affiliated organizations whose role it is to support CAF members and their families.

Effective May 10 2019, CFB Borden front-line staff can reach CMP ARC toll-free at 1-833-445-1182 number or [email protected]. Individual base information briefs will be organized over the summer/fall 2019, and will also be available upon request.

CMP Administrative Response Centre Poster – Affiche le nouveau Centre de réponses administratives

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